
Previously I have stuck to using grapeseed as a massage oil as its light, non-greasy & helps make skin softer / more elastic however as I am always looking to improve my service, I have added a few natural ingredients to the blend.  This new oil still uses the trusted grapeseed oil as a base but now includes…


  • Pure peppermint essential oil

  • Organic Rosemary

  • Organic Lavender  



So what does this mean for you? Well, the added benefits include…


  • Improved muscle tension / spasm relief
  • Relief from joint & muscle pain
  • Multiple antioxidants (incl. Vitamin E) which reduce internal inflammation
  • Lowers stress levels, fatigue & help the body relax

Despite these botanical ingredients I’ve been careful to not make the oil heavily fragranced, you may just detect a hint of each ingredient. Alternatively, you can still request our quality olive oil for your massage if you prefer.


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